Dunster Business School

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Doctor of Business Administration

A doctorate is a prestigious accomplishment that demonstrates a high level of mastery in the select discipline. Dunster Business School has developed certain outstanding doctorate programs with unique features that add significant value to graduates beyond the rewarding doctorate.

Online programme.

Specially designed for working professionals

No GMAT/ GRE is required

Global networking opportunities.

Unique Curriculum.

Highly qualified & experienced faculty members.

Dissertation on a live project

Mentorship for all educational goals.

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Dunster Business School

Dunster Business School, An Institute under the aegis of Dunster Business School GmbH, Bahnhofplatz, 6300 Zug, Switzerland

[email protected]

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About The Program

At Dunster Business School doctoral programs are designed for professionals who want to achieve an even higher level of mastery in areas of specialisation, putting theory into practice. The programs offered are highly relevant, and our alumni are highly successful in their careers.

The faculty at Dunster Business School are highly qualified and Industry experts. They blend academic knowledge and practical experience. They share their expertise in contemporary research issues in their specific field. This allows learners to understand the current research directions and its application to real industry challenges. The doctorate program at Dunster Business School offers future generations of senior executives an opportunity by providing a curriculum with courses on specific programme techniques alongside research methods.

The doctoral programs are offered online. The course structure of different doctoral programmes is highly structured and has passed many quality standards. The batches will be flexible so you can start & postpone the program whenever you want. Each doctoral candidate gets adequate guidance from the assigned faculty and support from the alumni base/community.

Shape Your Tomorrow ,Today

Applications Open for the year 2024-2025

Program Goals

Focus on advanced theory and practical applications to address complex business challenges.

Get a deep understanding of organizational theory, strategic management frameworks, and contemporary business models.

Get trained in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.

Acquire leadership and change management skills.

Explore ethical decision-making, corporate governance, and sustainability.

What Makes Us Special

Application Process

The application process for the DBA program at Dunster Business School is transparent and easy. You will have to go through a few rounds that include telephonic counselling, panel discussion, review by the panel etc. The rounds and clear and hassle-free.

Our faculty comes from diverse backgrounds, representing multiple countries and cultures, which adds a rich, global dimension to the learning experience. At Dunster Business School, our faculty members believe that teaching is not just about delivering lectures; it’s about mentoring, guiding, and inspiring the next generation.

A mentor guides, supports, and inspires by sharing knowledge, experience, and insights to foster personal and professional growth. At Dunster Business School, mentors act as trusted advisors, offering encouragement and constructive feedback while helping you navigate challenges and achieve your goals. An excellent mentor will help you to deliver an excellent thesis.

The DBA program is available online and hence offers flexibility. The live interactive sessions and self-paced learning give you complete authority on your learning and research.

Dunster Business Schools offers a world-class learning management system with self-paced learning. The LMS provides you anytime access to your learning material, question banks, practice tests and research material online.

Research is the cornerstone of a Doctorate program. It serves as the primary method for generating new knowledge and addressing real-world problems. Get excellent research facilities here at Dunster Business School.

Networking at Dunster Business School is a crucial part of the student experience, fostering connections. These connections benefit both academic and professional growth.

Switzerland is known for its best educational system in the world. Its academic and scientific knowledge is of paramount importance. Dunster Business School was founded on this excellence of the Swiss education quality.

The faculty members, mentors and alumni together create an excellent support system for our students in research and innovation in real-world scenarios. 

The alumni of Dunster Business School are outstanding managers and industry leaders with tremendous experience in their fields, who enhanced their professional practice by combining academic rigour and managerial qualities.

Individual Study Plan | Practitioner-Based Project/Dissertation

The first step for scholars is to draft their preliminary research proposal. This proposal can be an 8-10 page document which consists of essential factors of the Doctoral program. You can use a pre-defined template to speed up the process of completion. You are advised to make the initial research proposal ready within the first month of enrollment and submit it. Your supervisor will give feedback on the same.

Consider the following points while selecting a topic for the research project: 

A single-subject study that evaluates a new or innovative intervention, business venture, etc.

An Action Research or Participatory Action Research project | A program evaluation

A field study that examines theoretical predictions

A survey study examining opinions, attitudes, or practices within a field or discipline

A business process improvement.

All project topics require extensive knowledge of the literature about the particular subject areas and the sophistication of how a project is developed and presented. Conducting these projects prepares the learners to be effective practitioner-scholars. To achieve this goal, it is recommended that learners pursue a topic where they already have extensive practical experience.


The Doctoral programs at Dunster Business School generally comprise mainly to three phases:-

1) Course Work: This phase generally is your first semester and comprises selection, and course work on different aspects of your program like research methods, quantitative and qualitative methods and techniques. This phase ends with the finalization of the topic of your research and the allocation of a supervisor or research faculty.

2) Research: This phase generally includes data collection and analysis. It includes synopsis submissions and monthly progress report submissions. This phase also includes multiple seminars and presentations.

3) Doctoral Thesis: This phase is generally your third to sixth-semester phase that includes thesis write-up, committee reviews, thesis re-write-ups, viva and award of the doctorate.

During each of these phases, the learner will be guided and supervised by a supervisor.

  • The proposed curriculum has these distinctive features:
  • Progressively master and apply related concepts and theories.
  • Provide cohesiveness within each semester, with an identified theme to connect learning and outcomes.
  • A capstone project, typically a dissertation to demonstrate summative knowledge.
  • A built-in curriculum with a clear pathway to program completion.
  • Inputs from industry experts and experienced faculty.
  • Research
    a. Scope and Significance
    b. Types of Research
    c. Research Process
    d. Characteristics of Good Research
    e. Identifying Research problem
    f. Meaning of Sampling Design
    g. Steps in sampling
    h. Criteria for good sample design
    i. Types of Sample Design
    j. Probability and non-probability sampling methods
    k. Meaning of Measurement
    l. Types of scales
  • Review of Literature
    a. Data Collection
    b. Types of Data
    c. Sources of Data Collection
    d. Methods of Data collection
    e. Constructing questionnaire
    f. Establishing, reliability and validity
    g. Data processing
    h. Coding, Editing and tabulation of data
    i. Meaning of Report writing
    j. Types of Report
    k. Steps of report writing
    i. Precautions for writing report
    m. Norms for using Tables
    n. Charts and diagram
    o. Appendix: – Index, Bibliography.
  • Meaning and importance of Research
  • Types of Research
  • Selection and formulation of Research Problem
  • Meaning of Research Design
  • Need of Research Design
  • Features of Research Design
  • Inductive, Deductive and Development of models
  • Developing a Research Plan
  • Exploration, Description, Diagnosis, Experimentation
  • Determining Experimental and Sample Designs
  • Analysis of Literature Review
  • Primary and Secondary Sources
  • Web sources
  • Critical Literature Review
  • Hypothesis
  • Different Types of Hypothesis
  • Significance
  • Development of Working Hypothesis
  • Null hypothesis
  • Research Methods: Scientific method vs Arbitrary Method
  • Logical Scientific Methods: Deductive, Inductive, Deductive-Inductive
  • Pattern of Deductive
  • Inductive logical process
  • Different types of inductive logical methods.
    • Introduction to Quantitative Research
    • Part 1:

a. Session Overview
b. RQ Hypothesis Course Context Video
c. What is Quantitative Research?
d. Ethics of Quantitative Research
e. Session Summary

Part 2:

f. Session Overview
g. Introduction to the Scientific Method of Research
h. Comparing Descriptive, Predictive and Prescriptive Research
i. Inductive and Deductive Approaches to Quantitative Research
j. Constructing Models
K. Session Summary

    • Exploring Quantitative Research Design
    • Part 1:

a. Session Overview
b. Fundamentals of Research Design
c. Components of a Research Design
d. Characteristics of a Research Design
e. Session Summary

Part 2:

f. Session Overview
g. Research Design for Experimental Research Studies
h. Research Design for Quasi Experimental Studies
i. Research Design for Non-Experimental Research Studies
j. Evaluating Quantitative Research Design
k. Session Summary

    • Data Collection for Quantitative Research
    • Part 1:

a. Session Overview
b. Defining Surveys
c. Exploring Survey Methods
d. Session Summary

Part 2:

e. Session Overview
f. The Process of Questionnaire Development
g. Designing a Questionnaire
h. Designing Rating Scales
i. The Art of Asking Questions
j. Session Summary

Part 3:

k. Session Overview
l. Tips to Conduct Effective Surveys
m. Ethics of Using Technology in Surveys
n. Session Summary

    • Measurement and Sampling
    • Part 1:

a. Session Overview
b. What is Measurement?
c. True Score Theory, Estimating Measurement Errors
d. Evaluating Validity of Measures
e. Evaluating Reliability of Measures
f. Session Summary

Part 2:

g. Session Overview
i. Basic Concepts of Sampling
j. Problems and Blases in Sampling
k. Probability Sampling
l. Non-Probability Sampling
m. Session Summary

Part 3:

n. Session Overview
o. Determining the Sample Size
p. Sampling Distribution and Statistical inference
q. Demonstrations on Sampling
r. Session Summary

    • Constructing Statistical Models
    • Part 1:

a. Session Overview
b. Significance of Comparing Means for Analysis
c. What is ANOVA?
d. Types of ANOVA
e. Calculating and Interpreting One-Way ANOVA
f. Session Summary

Part 2:

g. Session Overview
h. Building a Statistical Model
i. Effect of Moderating and Mediating Variables
j. Demonstration on Mediation and Moderation
k. Session Summary

    • Enhancing Statistical Models
    • Part 1:

a. Session Overview
b. What is Factor Analysis?
c. Conducting Factor Analysis
d. Demonstration on R: Factor Analysis
e. Interpreting Factor Scores
f. Session Summary

Part 2:

g. Session Overview
h. What is Factorial ANOVA?
i. Dealing with Interaction Effects in Factorial ANOVA
j. Calculating and Interpreting Factorial ANOVA
k. Session Summary

    • Multivariate Analyses
    • Part 1:

a. Session Overview
b. Multivariate regression
d. Logistic Regression
e. Structural Equation Modeling
f. Tree Structured Methods
g. Conjoint Analysis
h. Session Summary

Part 2:

i. Session Overview
j. Time Series
k. Cluster Analysis
l. Session Summary

      • Writing a Quantitative Research Paper
      • Part 1:

a. Session Overview
b. Introduction to Formatting the Research Project for Quantitative Research
c. Components of a Quantitative Research Paper
d. Writing the Summary, Background and Purpose of Quantitative Research
e. Writing the Literature Review
f. Detailing your Research Design/Methodology
g. Curating your Results, Analysis and Supplimentary Findings
h. Outlining your Conclusions and Reccomendations
i. Making Appendices
j. Session Summary

Part 2:

k. Session Overview
l. Writing Different Types of Quant Papers
m. Guidelines for Fine Tuning your Research Presentation
n. Session Summary

  • Introduction to Qualitative Research

a .Key Elements of Qualitative Research
b. Writing Qualitative Research Question
c. Qualitative Research: Framework
d. Steps to Write a Qualitative Research Paper
e. Ethics for Qualitative Research and IRB
f. Introduction to Design Strategies
g. Data-Collection and Analysis Strategies
h. Introduction to research design
i. Major aspects of research design

  • Data Collection in Qualitative Research

a. Sources of Evidence: A Comparative
b. Assessment (Forms-Strengths-Weaknesses)
c. Principles of Data Collection
d. Sampling
e. Reliability and Validity

  • Interviews and Focus Groups
  • Introduction to Data Analysis

a. An Introduction to Data Analysis
b. First Cycle Coding (Description +Demo)
c. Second Cycle Coding (Description +Demo)
d. Jottings and Analytic Memoing (Description +Demo)
e. Assertions and Propositions (Description +Demo)
f. Within Case and Cross-Case Analysis (Description +Demo)

  • Data Display and Exploration

a. Matrix and Networks
b. Timing, formatting
c. Extracting Inferences and Conclusions
d. Exploring Fieldwork in Progress
e. Exploring Variables
f. Exploring Reports in Progress

  • Data Analysis Process – Next Steps

a. Describing Participants
b. Describing Variability
c. Describing Action
d. Ordering by time
e. Ordering by process
f. Explaining Interrelationship-Change
g. Explaining Causation
h. Making Predictions

  • Verifying Conclusions

a. Tactics to achieve integration among diverse pieces of data
b. Tactics to sharpen understanding by differentiation
c. Tactics of seeing relationships in data abstractly
d. Tactics to assemble a coherent understanding of data
e. Tactics for testing or confirming findings
f. Standards for quality of conclusions

  • Writing Report and New Technologies

a. Other methods in Qualitative Research
b. Audiences and Effects
c. Different aspects / apa
d. An Introduction to Mixed Methods Research

Important Information Regarding the DBA Program

Programme Delivery

The Doctorate in Business Administration is a research-based full-time doctorate program delivered online and comprises coursework, research, workshops, seminars, conference participation, and self-directed study. It is designed to allow you to achieve a doctorate without putting your job on hold. You may combine your classroom learning and research with your current job experience to make a difference in your chosen profession.

Experienced Faculty

The faculty at Dunster Business School has a deep understanding of the field and is selected for their excellence in teaching. The learners will receive an unparalleled education from the most talented academicians. We collaborate with several renowned, top scholars around the world.

Enrollment Process

Check all the eligibility and all the steps through to your graduation.

Academic Qualifications:

Eligibility: Masters Degree or Bachelor's Degree completing 16 years of education OR 5 years of experience after graduation.
Learners should have a minimum EQF Level 7 full qualification in the relevant area.

Digital Competence:

Learners should have a basic level of digital competence, including familiarity with computers, the internet and common software applications

Language Competence:

Learners must have a thorough command of written and spoken English.

Application Go Through

Applications are only accepted online. Once the application form is received, our team will contact you accordingly. You may be called for a panel discussion.

Next Step

Once the Admission Committee reviews your application you will receive a letter of admission. Having processed the payment, you will receive an email with your login credentials and will be granted access to our Learning Management System.


All program requirements must be completed, including the final dissertation/thesis submission.

Doctoral Area of Research

Agricultural Sciences

Arts & Sciences


Commerce & Management

Computer Science



Engineering & Technology

English Literature


Fine Arts

Applied Sciences

Liberal Arts

Library & Information Sciences



Mechanical Engineering

Operations Research


Public Policy



“The DBA program pushed me to rethink how I approach leadership and strategy. Dunster Business School’s emphasis on sustainability and innovation resonated deeply with my goals. The program helped me transition from operational success to thought leadership in my industry.”
Dr. Sofia Travez
Senior Manager
“Through the DBA program, I gained not just theoretical insights but also practical frameworks that I could apply directly to my business. The program’s rigorous curriculum and networking opportunities gave me the confidence to scale my ventures internationally.”
Mr. Louise Thomas
Advisor & Consultant
“The DBA program at Dunster Business School was a life-changing experience. The mentorship from renowned faculty members made my journey rewarding and impactful. The curriculum is focused on innovation and leadership which has enabled me to approach challenges with fresh perspectives.”
Johnson Clever
Founder & CEO, New Tech

Frequently Asked Questions

What skills will I gain from a DBA program?

As a DBA student, you will develop advanced skills in strategic analysis, critical thinking, leadership, research methodologies, and problem-solving.

Yes, DBA is widely recognized as a professional doctorate globally. Its focus on practical application makes it valuable in global business environments.

Exams typically include case studies, projects, and open-ended questions

DBA programs cover areas such as advanced strategic management, leadership, organizational behaviour, research methodologies, global economics, digital transformation, ethics, and corporate governance. 

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