Dunster Business School

Join us Feb. 25-26 for our 2025 Lectures | Register Now

Centre for Learning Excellence

Centre for Learning Excellence

Dunster Business School is committed to providing our students with the best tools to excel at learning!

Dunster Business School’s Centre for Learning Excellence provides students with various learning resources to assist learners throughout their studies. It offers learners: tutoring, study skills and academic writing support through applied workshops to individualized support.

Tutoring Sessions

Schedule a tutoring session to receive help and guidance on completing course assignments.

Whether students are in the diploma, bachelor, master or doctoral programs they can avail of tutoring sessions regarding any of the courses.

Book a tutoring session online fill in the form and a tutor will contact you to set up a tutoring session.


Workshop on Studying Tips

– Time Management Skills

Students have to juggle work, social life, and family obligations. Poor time management can cause anxiety and procrastination, while effective time management reduces mistakes and stress. Join us to learn time management skills in this workshop to help you plan your studies and your life.


– Workshop on How to Study Effectively?

In this workshop, 8 strategies for smarter learning by using active learning strategies will be covered


Workshop on Writing Skills

Introduction to Scholarly Writing

Learn what scholarly writing is and the characteristics that make up successful scholarly writing. Practice identifying strong scholarly writing and learn how to develop a strong scholarly writing process. This workshop is recommended for learners new to scholarly writing.


Steps to Developing Your Writing Process

In this workshop, learners will become familiar with the writing process by visualizing it at various stages, from brainstorming to the final draft and reflection. Learners will learn six steps of the writing process and tips for each step.


Strategies Before You Start Writing 

In this workshop, discuss various strategies to brainstorm ideas and gather your thoughts in preparation for writing your paper. These strategies will help you avoid writer’s block and make your writing process efficient.


Write Strong Thesis Statements

An essential component of academic writing is a thesis statement. Join the workshop to solidify your knowledge of thesis statements with a focus on practicing creating your thesis statement.


Introduce and Conclude Your Writing

In this workshop, we will highlight two essential aspects of any paper: the introduction and the conclusion. We will answer questions like, what is an appropriate way to introduce your main topic? How should these paragraphs interact with the rest of the paper? And more exploring several examples.


Strategies for Revising and Proofing

In this workshop, we will discuss the revision process, including explaining the difference between proofreading and revising, how to revise on your own and how to revise using faculty feedback.

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